Used React at Radiance Technologies:
Learned React and used it to create and modify components in the application.
Used Blueprint Js.
Worked with forms, validation, selects, tabs, buttons, and many other components.
Worked with React tools like axios, mutation, event subscriptions, and hooks.
Used React to connect to database and debug connections using the network tab.
Used events and re-resizable to create sidebar drawers that can be opened, resized, and closed.
Application Server class at Franklin University:
Learned jQuery and Vue.js.
Used jQuery gets and posts to connect to Java Servlets.
Spent some time learning Vue.js and used Servlet calls to loop through an array of objects and display them on the page.
Used JavaScript on this website:
Used to add classes when the hamburger menu, on the mobile view, is clicked.
Used JavaScript at Pelican Technologies:
Added classes and/or styles to items if clicked.